Terms of Service

Thank you for visiting medsolutely.com. We provide our services to you subject to the following conditions of use and privacy policies. If you visit or shop at medsolutely.com or place an order with us through any other means, you accept these conditions and policies. Please review them carefully.

Return Policies:
Please also read our Return Policies, which govern all orders and products sold through medsolutely.com.

Communicating With Us:
When you visit medsolutely.com, send us mail or e-mail us, you are communicating with us. By doing so, you consent to receive communications from us.

The Products We Sell:
medsolutely.com offers products from a selection of manufacturers and vendors. By purchasing products through our website you agree that all services related to said products - including ordering, sale, delivery, setup and instruction will be performed by medsolutely.com independently of the manufacturer. This does not effect manufacturer's warranties or warranty repairs which will be undertaken in accordance with each individual manufacturer's policies.

Prescription Items:
We do not accept Prescription required products

Does medsolutely Sell Customer Information to Other Companies?:

medsolutely.com will never sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose customer
information to third parties for commercial purposes.

What Personal Information Does medsolutely Gather About Customers?

We receive and store information (such as your name, e-mail address, billing information, phone numbers, etc.) you enter on our Website or provide to us in any other way. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, improving our store, and communicating with you.